Policy on Students' Activities
This program is based on the school's objective of developing a total person. It is a supportive of the school mission and complements the classroom instruction by translating into actual practice the principles acquired in class.
The students are encouraged to join clubs and activities subject to the following guidelines:
1. The student activities should not interfere with studies and should contribute to a well-balance formation of the students.
2. Every student should belong to at least one club.
3. Membership should be voluntary.
4. Students organization should follow regular channels of communications with authorities.
5. If the activity involves money, a request and report for the same should be submitted to the Office of the Director.
6. The activities are usually done outside the class hours. Extraordinary sessions which necessitate calling of students from class needs the permission of the Department Coordinator and/or Director.
7. Five days before the start of the Quarter Examination, a ban on all student activities shall be enforced.
8. Our of school, overnight and week-end activities require parent's written permission.
9. Every quarter members and officers of the club are evaluated on their performance by their respective advisers.